EACH YEAR, ALL CDM student-athletes are required to complete an annual Athletics Clearance Packet.
THIS IS AN ANNUAL PROCESS. While a student-athlete family only needs to establish an account once, the clearance process must be completed each academic/athletic year through that same account.
Go to
Choose CA (on far left)
Set-Up your account or log into an existing account.
Select Corona del Mar HS
Complete Parent & Student Info, Emergency Contact, Medical History, Electronic Signatures (do not skip any info).
Note: the tutorial video is a very helpful resource.
Take the Medical Clearance Form to a doctor.
Download an overview of the process and the Medical Clearance Form HERE.
Upload the completed Medical Clearance Form.
The Medical Form must be signed by the doctor, parent, athlete, and stamped by the doctor's office.
Include both pages of the Medical Form.
Be sure to click "upload documents" after you have uploaded them.
Upload a copy of your Health Insurance Card.
Be sure to click "upload documents"after you have uploaded them.
The Athletic Department has to manually clear each athlete after confirming all of the required information is complete.
Once cleared, you will receive an automatic e-mail notification.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Online Athletic Clearance Process
Q: Why do I have to create an online account to get cleared to play sports?
A: Athletic clearance is a process required by the CIF which includes obtaining a physical from a health practitioner, providing contact and medical information, and signing statements acknowledging the risks of participating in sports, etc. By collecting all required information through, school administration and coaches will have immediate access to your current contact and medical information in the event of an injury (from anywhere at any time). The online system also streamlines the clearance process for families with more than one student-athlete and makes the process easier in the years to follow.
Q: Do I have to create a new account each year?
A: No, you do not need to create a new account each year, but you do need to create new CLEARANCE each year. The same account can be used for multiple students for multiple years. This is why it is a good idea for PARENTS to create the account instead of students. Be sure to remember your login information so you can easily access your account to update information as it changes or create new clearances as needed.
Q: I was cleared for my sport last year, and my physical has not expired, am I still cleared to participate this year in the same sport?
A: No, you need to get a new physical each school year. You have the option of using your still-valid physical until it expires, however-- we highly encourage each student to get their physicals at the beginning of each school year. The reason we want to avoid students getting their physicals in the middle of school year is because it may expire mid-season next year & could prevent athletes from participating. We also want to avoid athletes scrambling at the last minute to get cleared before their first game. Our goal each school year is to make sure all students are cleared before the start of the school year. *If you are only able to get one physical per year under your insurance, you have the option to upload your still-valid physical to your new clearance until it expires. You should be able to access your physical in the “Documents Library” on your account. When creating your clearance for the new school year, use the “Choose from Documents Library” option to attach the physical from last year to your new clearance for this year. **NOTE—Physicals are valid for one school year*
Q: I’ve completed everything online and uploaded a physical, but it still says “uncleared.” What am I missing?
A: You may not be missing anything. This system is not completely automated. Athletic personnel must review each clearance that is submitted, make sure the uploaded physical is complete and valid (not expired), and confirm that the confirmation/consent letter has been turned into the Athletics office. If the clearance meets all of those criteria, then the student will be cleared to participate in that specific sport. Once cleared, an email will be sent to the address used to create the account and the clearance will say “cleared” on your account home page.